In the script stack “AppStarterStack” find the “ScrollerDidScroll” handler, and go to the section for the bottom scrollbar. Change the…
Below I will post changes and improvements that I have made to the codebase as I work with it. This is in hopes that it is easier to track and implement these changes rather than using Github. Please pay attention to the instructions when updating your codebase.
In the script stack “AppStarterStack” find the “ScrollerDidScroll” handler, and go to the section for the bottom scrollbar. Change the…
To hide the icon image/svg on a “button” group. Clear the MyImageIcon and MySVGIcon custom properties.Then add this to the…
If you want to be able to assign “formatted” as the MySize property both Horizontal / Vertical, simply do the…
It has come to my attention that when the AppStarterStack loads and re-arranges the UI, that seems really bother people.…
On line 18 of group “Select Files” of card “Settings ….. change “the result” to “it”. put it into selected_files
The Display Canvas is an experimental feature and should not be used in production … yet.I still have need of…
These 3 handlers can be replaced in the script of stack “AppStarterCodeLibrary”.They help turn the results of a query into…