Application Starter Stack for Livecode

What is your starting point?

It is very possible to learn the basics of Livecode very quickly.  But much like any skill, it takes some practice to learn the various unique details of how things work.

And as simple as it seems at this stage, it is still challanging to build more complex software, no matter how great your platform.

On this page you can find lots of resources to learn Livecode.

You should not start learning Livecode with the AppStarterStack.  It is more useful once you have worked at something from a blank stack.

Once you think you are not a beginner to Livecode, and have a project you'd like to build specifically using your new found skills, then the AppStarterStack can really save you a lot of time and effort in creating production ready software or a fantastic MVP.

Perfect!  You may be the prefect candidate to use the AppStarterStack.  We would love to hear from you, to see if perhaps we could help you reach your goal sooner. Please contact us to book a call, or you can share details using our contact form.




If you have a project currently in production but need to update or modernize it?

Maybe you want to turn your old application into a mobile APP?

The AppStarterStack is perfectly suited for such a task.  You can use the majority of your exiting business logic code, but port your interfaces to the AppStarterStack.  In theory.  

Contact us if you'd like to discuss whether the AppStarterStack is right for your project.

We can help you find a Livecode Developer to build your product.  Contact Us, and tell us a little bit about your needs.

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