Fix scrolling of bottom navigation bar on mobile.
In the script stack “AppStarterStack” find the “ScrollerDidScroll” handler, and go to the section for the bottom scrollbar. Change the pVScroll to pHScroll at the end. Sorry 🙂 Screenshot:
Application Starter Stack for Livecode
In the script stack “AppStarterStack” find the “ScrollerDidScroll” handler, and go to the section for the bottom scrollbar. Change the pVScroll to pHScroll at the end. Sorry 🙂 Screenshot:
To hide the icon image/svg on a “button” group. Clear the MyImageIcon and MySVGIcon custom properties.Then add this to the Icon? section of the “Refresh Me” handler of the behavior script of the buttons group. Screenshot:
If you want to be able to assign “formatted” as the MySize property both Horizontal / Vertical, simply do the following: Find the “ResizeThisControl” handler of stack “AppStarterStack” and add a case under Width and Height switch statements:
It has come to my attention that when the AppStarterStack loads and re-arranges the UI, that seems really bother people. You can review the IDERearrange handler to see what it does and adjust it to what you need it to do, and then un-comment it. To prevent this please follow these steps: OPTIONAL, you can …
On line 18 of group “Select Files” of card “Settings ….. change “the result” to “it”. put it into selected_files
The Display Canvas is an experimental feature and should not be used in production … yet.I still have need of it, so I will continue its development. You can keep track of it in this blog. The first of these was finding a really horrific bug that only happened on the Display Canvas page.Anyone who …
These 3 handlers can be replaced in the script of stack “AppStarterCodeLibrary”.They help turn the results of a query into a Livecode Array using a numerical key or one of the columns.