The Display Canvas is an experimental feature and should not be used in production … yet.
I still have need of it, so I will continue its development. You can keep track of it in this blog.
The first of these was finding a really horrific bug that only happened on the Display Canvas page.
Anyone who has gone there and clicked on one of the elements in, likely experienced it.
The result of the bug is all the cards on the AppStarterStack disappearing 😳😲😱 and being invisible in the project manager, and un-referenceable in the engine. Those are obviously horrible side effects to what was a “referencing mistake”, which the engine did not catch.
Notice the incorrect reference to “of me” as a stack …. inside the behavior of a group. “of this card of group …..”.
To correct it, please replace the “FocusThisDisplay” handler of the behavior of group “Example Canvas” of card “Display Canvas” … with the code in the block found below.
This was a scary one folks, but luckily it was found.